Sunday, November 19, 2006

Picture Test

I'm going to see if I can figure out how to do pictures.

Doesn't he just look like a Congressman should?


Julie Fanselow said...

This site is a joke, right?


Bill Sali Fan said...

Oh, "Julie in Boise". You must be the Julie that ran Larry "Liberal" Grant's website. I assure you -- this website is no more of a joke that Congressman-elect Sali's plan to Stand Up to Nancy Pelosi!

Julie Fanselow said...

Liberal Larry Grant, eh? Yeah, those misleading Club for Growth ads and robocalls worked all too well for Million Dollar Bill, but the fact is Larry Grant would've gotten a chance to vote against Jack Murtha the other day.

As a member of the marginalized Republican Study Group, Bill Sali can't do anything but hope to find a few fellow true believers willing to sit with him in the back of the House lunchroom - if he can find the lunchroom, that is.

Bill Sali Fan said...

At least Bill Sali graduated from a real law school, and not whatever slacker Eastern one "Liberal Larry" went to!

ThomG said...

BSF, Is "clueless" a requirement for joining the Sali Fan Club?

BoiseNick said...

I can't wait til Americans see that (a twisted version of)religion trumps science in Silly Sali's World. That a book of faith, written thousands of years ago by (all) men hundreds of years after the "facts" is more credible than 21st century peer reviewed science.
I can't wait for the 08 elections. first, we, in the Democratic Party will ensure the vote is true and fair and then we will increase our patriotic majority. And, in large part because of anti-science, anti-knowledge faith biased republican extremists like Silly Billy.
Hey, thanks for having unmoderated comments, this is the Only way a blog is valid and worth visiting.
I can't wait to comment again.

Anonymous said...

Question: If BS stands up and no one's there to hear him, does he make a sound? Esoteric I know, just asking....

girlfriday said...

I'm with Julie on this one. This site cannot be for real.

Bill Sali Fan said...

Girlfriday -- I assure you that I am truly a real person writing this blog.

Anonymous said...

this blog may or may not be a farce, but the insanity of the extremists is all too real.
you wait til SillySali speaks in Congress, THEN you'll see these nuts have (minority) power and could exist. if this is farce, cool.
(UPDATE 5pm)

it's true, this is real! he deleted one of my (harsh)comments and I'm having a hard time posting, I see NO "visual verification". I'mna try some back doors to post this until he deletes it...boisenick